The Woke Anti-Woke Movie Recommendation
The first edition of what may end up becoming a weekly routine.

Dear Moviegoers,
As I described in a previous post, Moviegoing with Bill will begin publishing more often than has been average, very soon. While I don’t wish to force anything beyond my comfort zone, I do feel that now is the time. “Very soon” is “now.”
To kick things off, I have the following pilot in a new series of newsletter bloggings: The Moviegoer. Here will be home to recommended local showtimes and streamings, byte-size reviews, listicles and recommendations, links, and movie-related commentaries. It’s a work-in-progress, and will likely be tuned around a bit.
The plan is to do one each Monday and Friday, though that may also get tuned a bit. Wait, is it tuned or perhaps tooned? We’ll see.
While I do appreciate Senator John Neely Kennedy’s commitment to being the embodiment of Louisiana’s health concerns, his specific disdain for the green superfood kale, used as the worn cape of his hero pledge against “the woke,” is pretty weird and shameless, like playing to a base so against anything thought to be left-leaning, that the arguments and the beliefs come back around to being a version of the woke phenomenon after all.
I laugh, but I also wish the Senator and his lovely krewe a most honest welcome to this twisted state of thinking. Making what was a fantasy culture war into a really tangible self-celebration of “traditional values” is not a failure, but an adventure.
For them, I suggest the following cinematic viewing:

Please, take no offense to the title of this pick & flick picture, as it’s very much a tome on a community working together (in pseudo sweatshops) towards wholesome goals (of helping a young teen get with another young teen).
Aliens from space, traveling in a garbage can (or pail), are very much a loving metaphor for being yourself no matter the cultural opinion, and for fighting against the persecutions of the social sheeple.
The villain may be a money-grubbing bully, but where in history has such a bad guy won at all (wink wink)?
“But Avatar is first and foremost a movie, and it might just be the most movie-ass movie ever made.”
Spirited Away: Prytania Theatre - Uptown, December 18th at 10 PM CST
Four Samosas: Zeitgeist Theatre & Lounge, December 9th through 15th, 7 PM CST
Santa Claus Conquers the Martians: Movie Poster Archives Gallery, December 15th, 6:30 PM CST
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