Welcome to a new and hopefully continuing feature here at Moviegoing with Bill, where each weekday I’ll present a thought or two - usually as questions - that fellow moviegoers are greatly encouraged to converse about. A mini-forum? A virtual soapbox? Let’s see:
I have plenty of moviegoing memories, but a few are bad ones - though even those were fun. For example, I once went to see the first Birdemic at Prytania Uptown to a crowd that treated the screening like a Mystery Science Theater 3000 free-for-all. It was excruciating, but at least I wasn’t alone.
So, what are some of YOUR favorite bad moviegoing memories? The worse, the better.
Please feel free to comment at any length, share or forward the thread to friends and family, and consider becoming a supporting moviegoer.
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The Evening Kernel, 7/9/24
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Welcome to a new and hopefully continuing feature here at Moviegoing with Bill, where each weekday I’ll present a thought or two - usually as questions - that fellow moviegoers are greatly encouraged to converse about. A mini-forum? A virtual soapbox? Let’s see:
Dear Moviegoers,
I have plenty of moviegoing memories, but a few are bad ones - though even those were fun. For example, I once went to see the first Birdemic at Prytania Uptown to a crowd that treated the screening like a Mystery Science Theater 3000 free-for-all. It was excruciating, but at least I wasn’t alone.
So, what are some of YOUR favorite bad moviegoing memories? The worse, the better.
Please feel free to comment at any length, share or forward the thread to friends and family, and consider becoming a supporting moviegoer.
Sincerely Yours in Moviegoing,