Welcome one and all to this Substack experiment!
More than a New Orleanian, more than an independent film critic of over eight years, I’m also a writer of progressive news and op-eds for Big Easy Magazine. As of late, movies and progressive policy have dominated my thoughts and feelings, especially in this lead up to the 2020 Presidential Election.
How do I reconcile the two?
Why not combine, from dueling topics to duo subject matter?

I plan on contributing reviews of movies, new and old, classic and obscure, that for me represent or express progressive policy and ideals, from universal health care to civil rights and everywhere in between. Documentaries may be sprinkled in, but I’m seeking narratives - short or feature-length - that provoke forward thinking in positive and, perhaps, negative or indirect ways.
Feel free to comment every time/anytime I publish, offer suggestions for films to be covered, and any other feedback!
Many thanks, and remember: The revolution will be criticized :)
Sincerely, Bill Arceneaux